We have accessed the configuration value in the JavaScript widget. In this post, we will access the configuration value in JavaScript at checkout.
As in the last post, if we pass value to a JS widget, we can access value from only that JS. But what if we require access to configuration values throughout checkout? In that case, we must pass an additional class as an argument as configProviders to the below class using the type tag in di.xml.
We must create an additional class in the module, which we have passed as configProviders. We must implement the below interface
in our configuration class.
Magento 2: Access Configuration Value in JavaScript at Checkout
Created di.xml
inside the frontend area of the etc
directory of the module.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<type name="Magento\Checkout\Model\CompositeConfigProvider">
<argument name="configProviders" xsi:type="array">
<item name="additional_provider_class" xsi:type="object">Vendor\ModuleName\Model\AdditionalConfig</item>
We must create the Configuration Provider class.
* @copyright Copyright (c) sbdevblog (http://www.sbdevblog.com)
namespace Vendor\ModuleName\Model;
use Magento\Checkout\Model\ConfigProviderInterface;
class AdditionalConfig implements ConfigProviderInterface
* @inheritDoc
public function getConfig()
$validationConfig = [
"var_1" => "value_1",
"var_2" => "value_2",
"var_3" => "value_3"
return $validationConfig;
We can use these variables in any JS of the checkout.
That’s it. It is straightforward to access configuration values in the JS of checkout. I want to go ahead and check out the example I created to access configuration values.
I have created a configuration to allow the admin to add a PO box regular expression, which I will use to restrict shipping. In addition, I have created a basic checkout module under the sbdevblog namespace to limit PO box values on the street.
So let’s put di.xml in the frontend directory of the etc directory of the module.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<type name="Magento\Checkout\Model\CompositeConfigProvider">
<argument name="configProviders" xsi:type="array">
<item name="additional_provider" xsi:type="object">SbDevBlog\Checkout\Model\AdditionalValidationConfig</item>
Let’s create a service class that allows access to configuration values.
* @copyright Copyright (c) sbdevblog (http://www.sbdevblog.com)
namespace SbDevBlog\Checkout\Services;
use Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface;
use Magento\Store\Model\ScopeInterface;
class ValidationConfigurationService
private const ADDITIONAL_VALIDATION_PATH = "sbcheckout/additional_validation/";
private const ENABLE_VALIDATION_PATH = "enable";
private const VALIDATION_REGREX_PATH = "pobox_validation_regex";
* @var ScopeConfigInterface
private ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig;
* Constructor
* @param ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
public function __construct(
ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
* Get Validation Configuration
* @return array
public function getValidationConfig(): array
return [
"validation_enable" => $this->getConfig(self::ENABLE_VALIDATION_PATH),
"validation_regrex" => $this->getConfig(self::VALIDATION_REGREX_PATH)
* Get Configuration value
* @param string $path
* @return mixed
private function getConfig(string $path)
return $this->scopeConfig->getValue(self::ADDITIONAL_VALIDATION_PATH . $path, ScopeInterface::SCOPE_STORE);
Finally, it’s time to create the Configuration Provider class.
* @copyright Copyright (c) sbdevblog (http://www.sbdevblog.com)
namespace SbDevBlog\Checkout\Model;
use Magento\Checkout\Model\ConfigProviderInterface;
use SbDevBlog\Checkout\Services\ValidationConfigurationService;
class AdditionalValidationConfig implements ConfigProviderInterface
* @var ValidationConfigurationService
private ValidationConfigurationService $validationConfigurationService;
* @param ValidationConfigurationService $validationConfigurationService
public function __construct(
ValidationConfigurationService $validationConfigurationService
$this->validationConfigurationService = $validationConfigurationService;
* @inheritDoc
public function getConfig()
$validationConfiguration = $this->validationConfigurationService->getValidationConfig();
$validationConfig = [
"pobox_validation_enabled" => $validationConfiguration["validation_enable"],
"pobox_validation_regrex" => $validationConfiguration["validation_regrex"]
return $validationConfig;
That’s it. Thank you for visiting SbDevBlog and reading t
he post Magento 2: Access Configuration Value in JavaScript at Checkout
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