Node.js: How to install Node?

How to install Node

We have seen a little introduction of Node.js. We will see how we can install Node.js in our system.

There are different methods to install Node. We can install it using the installer of Node.js. We can download the installer from the official website Make a practice of downloading the installer from the official website only.

When we navigate the download section, we see two tabs with“LTS” and “Current”.

As we can see, Node’s official website recommends using the LTS version of the node. LTS stands for Long term support, meaning it is a stable version. While writing this blog, the stable version is 18.16.1, which might change when you read this post.

We also can download the version under the current tab. This installer contains all the latest features, which may include bugs and experimental code. We can call this version as a beta version. At the time of writing this post, the version is 20.3.1.


NVM stands for Node Version Manager. The NVM is a popular package manager. It allows us to switch the version of Node.js very easily. As in real development work, we often need to work on different versions of respective projects. The package manager NVM is really useful in that scenario.

Check the to install the NVM.

Just visit the post- to install Node.js using a package manager. Respective package managers manage these packages.

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